Thursday, March 10, 2011

Drunk Chicken And Morocco

With Dean gone for the week, It's just me and Ana. Young Gregorio too but he just sits locked in his room doing God knows what. Dean's girlfriend visited for her Spring break. Im not surprised that she would come this far just to see Dean judging from their nightly Skype chats. He talks to her like im not even in the room in his boyfriendy voice. This includes cheesy jokes, "Baby and honey" name drops, and boisterous bi-polar emotions on account of both parties. As evil as it sounds, I used the sound recorder on my computer and taped one of his chats so that maybe one day I can play it for him just in case I crack. (I've cracked before, freshman year roommate, under the same conditions, boyfriend voice and all, 4AM in the morning). Anyways, With him gone everything is better. For one I can sleep with the shades up because Dean is a princess.

For more proof that I'm Ana's favorite, please address the following. She has always called me Hijo, instead of my name. (Hijo is son in spanish). Since Dean left, Ana has been doing my laundry double time. I have also been receiving mini lunches when i come back from school. (pictures below). For the first time, Ana invited me to watch TV with her because an English show was on. Still getting Eggs, bacon, coffee, yogurt and fruit for breakfast, and its tasting better everyday. AND DINNERS?

I told Ana the first day that I can eat the steak she makes every single day. So for three days this week I had Steak and home fries. And what else does she make me? Drunk Chicken, twice this week. The best dinner she could ever make me, and I had one tonight and I am gorged. Ana Told me this morning she was making it for dinner. So I told her that when I come back from the park, I'll be able to finish the whole chicken without any help. I failed deplorably, but I blame my loss on the fact that she maliciously served me a Strawberry milkshake instead of the usual water during dinner. I have reason to believe that the airy frothyness took up room and therefore I fell on my own sword. Ana was laughing at me saying "pobrecito" (poor baby) but I know that when defeat is inevitable, it is wisest to yield and live to fight another day. I shall lay the seed of victory another dinner.

And now that I think about it, I need to lay down for a bit. I'll talk put my Morocco post up soon. Here are some pictures of what Ana served me this week.
"El Pollo Baracho" drunk chicken, this one has scrambled eggs, dates, figs, raisins

Trip decker w/ ham cheese first level and tomatoe lettuce second level
Cured ham slices, sardines, fried cheese balls.
coffee and cake

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